Swiss portal for the cuban

Publish announcement

Help and support<div class='data-right'>Content updated on 2/22/2025 8:15:51 AM</div>

How can I upload more photos for my announcement?

If you would like to upload more photos for your announcement, you can, using Cubisima Credits, to buy some space in order to store up to 10 pictures on your gallery.

Go to My Rents, and click on the icon similar to this one that is located on the options toolbar of your rent in order to go to picture management page. Then at the picture management page look for a frame informing you about the purchase at the upper-right corner.(*)

Follow the link buy a photo gallery inside the frame. You must be authenticated as a Cubisima User in order to go to Mis rents page.

Follow the steps to make your payment for the gallery and confirm when you are ready. When you end your purchase you will can upload up to 10 photos to your gallery.


If at picture management page you can not see the frame about purchasing the gallery it is because your announcement has already set the maximum allowed photos. You just need to do this action once per announcement.

How to sponsor mi announcement?

At Cubisima you can sponsor a rent of your own if you want to give it a bigger presence among the potencial customers seeing our web page.

In order to request sponsorship for your rent go to My Rents page and click in the icon similar to this one at the toolbar of your announcement. You must be authenticated as Cubisima User in order to go to My Rents page.
At the page shown next choose the send request email option and click in the Continue button. In a few seconds we will receive a request on your behalf and we'll you use the data from your announcement to contact you and agree the payment options for you.